Geoff’s Wanderings

A Meet-up of Coffee, Cameras and Good Company exploring the Greater Wellington See this week's Presidents Email for details

Waitangi Festival

Photograph the events around Porirua - information to be emailed.

AGM / Travel Photography

Come along to the Annual General Meeting followed by Mary Livingston talking on Travel photography, composition and equipment she uses.


If you are interested in Photo Elements or any form of photography or camera skills, we have two groups running.

Members Show and Tell

The opportunity to show your Waitangi Day celebration photos. Also Keith Harrison will showcase his Japan photographic trip.

Committee meeting

The Porirua Photography Club meets on the fourth Tuesday every month.

AI with Fiona Foxall

Fiona Foxall, currently Real Estate photographer and past Forensic photographer (and past photography member) will show her creative skills in using AI.  

Special Interest Groups

There are two groups running: Group 1: Photo Elements; and Group 2: Camera skills, general photography; lightroom and any specific area of photography you'd like addressed.

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