T & C’s

Terms and Conditions

The general and specific terms and conditions are acknowledged by your membership of the Porirua Photography Club (PPC) and use of the site.

The PPC has no control over the nature, content or availability of linked web sites. This includes direct linked social media sites such as Facebook, Flickr and You Tube and Internet or web agencies such as Google. Using these sites requires an understanding of their specific terms and conditions.

It is the responsibility of our members to follow best practice and internet procedures when submitting any material (images/text/comment/video ) to this site.

PPC holds no responsibility for the opinions, comments , suitability of any material placed on it by its members.

Under no circumstances will PPC be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of this web site.

Every effort is made to keep the web site running smoothly however PPC takes no responsibility for any temporary unavailability due to technical issues beyond our control.


It is assumed that all images/photographs submitted for inclusion on the site are copyrighted to the named photographer.

PPC may use your digital images for promotional, exhibition or media purposes. Whenever an image is used in this context, it will be accompanied by your name and the fact you are a member of the Porirua Photography Club. Your consent is to be acknowledged on the sign up form and there after implied by your membership. Publication of your image on the PPC web site is not a barrier for its use in any other way you choose, without reference to the Club.

Copyright information can be found on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and New Zealand Intellectual Property Office (IPONZ).  Wecreate.org.nz has additional useful information for the creative industries


As a general rule of thumb anything uploaded to the internet cannot be considered private. Whilst it is possible for you to restrict access to your material there are people out there who may view and/or attempt to copy your work. Fortunately although such incidents are rare, we must remain vigilant to the possibility and take precautions to make it difficult for anyone else to prosper from your work. Therefore do not upload anything, or make any comments that you could later regret (this of course applies to ALL social media) and the internet in general.

A section of the web site is set aside for the exclusive use for our registered members.

Access to this area by unique password and email address. You have exclusive rights to modify your own page/s. Members will be able to view each others page/s and comment upon them but will be unable to alter or modify them. The general public cannot access or view the members only page/s.

The nominated site administrator and web masters have access to your files, and can modify any page, or perform deletions without prior notification in the interests of the web site. If necessary such alterations will not be made without prior discussion with the member in the first instance.

When membership isn't renewed (or after a reasonable nominated period following expiry of the previous year's subscription) all pages and information pertaining to that member will be deleted from the PPC web site. However some images may be archived at the site administrators discretion and may be later used for promotional purposes on behalf of the PPC, unless expressly forbidden by the copyrighted photographer.

Registering as a member

All new members of the Porirua Photography Club Inc are entitled to register for free access to the Porirua Photography Club web pages. Prerequisites are completion of a membership application form, committee approval and allocation of a membership number.

Existing and new members will need to provide certain details before getting site access.

The conventions as set down by the Privacy Commissioner on Information held by Clubs and Societies are acknowledged and will be upheld by the Porirua Photography Club.

This document can be viewed here



The PPC web site upholds the laws of New Zealand. The Club is not liable for any obscene, - or objectionable content whether by comment or by image - that is placed on the site by any member or other person.