Salon Rules

Salon Rules

SALON RULES (updated March 2025)

Only images taken by a Life or Financial member can be entered into a club salon.

Members can enter up to three images per salon. These can either be digital or print or combination. If three images are submitted at least one needs to be the set topic.

All images are to be left with the Competitions Secretary or emailed to with 'Salon Entry' in the subject line, by the closing date.

A digital version, correctly named (as below), will be supplied for each print entered.

Images entered in previous club salons may not be entered again.

Members at all times retain copyright to their images.

Images awarded honours will be put up for public viewing, with the photographer's name, on the Club website.

All entered images and judges comments will be displayed in a members only gallery. Images awarded Honours, Merit or Commended will display the photographer's name, acceptance and non acceptance will be anonymous.

Any other use of images will be with the owner’s permission.

A (Advanced) = a member with PSNZ Letters, or has achieved Honours in two club salons at 'Intermediate' level or an award of Merit or Honours in four club salons at ‘Intermediate ‘ level within a two year timeframe.
I (Intermediate) = a member who has achieved Honours in two club salons at ‘Novice’ level or an award of Merit or Honours in four club salons at ‘ Novice ‘ level within a two year timeframe.
N (Novice) = a member who is new to photography and is yet to achieve a competent level of proficiency in photography.

All Salons will be run along the format of Honours, Merit, Commended, Acceptance, and Non Acceptance.

Any images, prints or digital, not complying with the following requirements may not be included in the Salon.

If images are entered on a memory stick, they must be the only files on the stick.

All images must be in the correct portrait or landscape orientation when viewed.

Images must be in JPEG format of up to 3Mb in size with a vertical of not more than 1080 pixels and a horizontal of no more than 1920 pixels.

All digitals are to be submitted via email to with 'Salon Entry' in the subject line (Or email assigned to Porirua Photographic Club) or on a memory stick to the Competition Secretary on or by the due date.

The file name must include and be in the following order:
● Members Skill Level – N, I or A
● Subject – Open or Set
● Title of Image
● How the image can be publicly displayed on our website – N (no display), T (thumbnail), F (full image)
● Entrant’s Name and Membership Number e.g. N, Open, The Birds, F, Joe Bloggs, 252 .jpg

Each section of the file name must be in the correct order, separated by a comma and space.

All print entries are to have a digital version submitted.
The digital versions of all print entries are to be submitted via email to with 'Salon Entry' in the subject line or on a memory stick to the Competition Secretary on or by the due date.

The file name of the digital version of a print entry should begin with ‘Print’ e.g. Print, N, Open, The Birds, F, Joe Bloggs, 252 .jpg
Prints will also have a label with: Skill Level, Subject, Image Title attached to the top back of each print, thereby indicating the correct orientation of the print. e.g. N, Open, The Birds

A single print should be mounted flat (with or without a matt) on a rigid mounting board no larger than 16” x 20” (408mm x 510mm) . Panorama or triptych prints should be mounted on a single rigid mounting board with maximum
dimensions of one metre (39”). Glassed and/or framed images will not be accepted.

While all reasonable care will be taken with your entries the Competition Secretary, Judge or Club will not be responsible for any damage to or the loss of your prints, matts or memory sticks.

Salon 1 set topic Minimalist
Salon 2 set topic Wildlife
Salon 3 set topic Panning

Subject: Category of the salon – Open or Set (“O” or “S”).
Skill Level: Member’s proficiency – N (Novice), I (Intermediate), or A (Advanced)
Image: A digital or print photo
Digital: The electronic form of an image
Print: A photo image on paper or alternative substrate
Mounting Board: A rigid card or foam core board to mount a print
Matt Board: A masking board over a print attached to a mounting board