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Porirua Photography Club is an affiliated club of the

Photographic Society of New Zealand (PSNZ)

Affiliated clubs and their members get access to:

For additional benefits join PSNZ directly and as a full financial member of the PSNZ you get:

  • Discounts for Society Activities
  • When available for special workshops, Society events (eg. Annual PSNZ National Convention) and international competitions.
  • Regional Club Meetings
  • Participate in meetings and events close to home.
  • Enjoy our Member’s Newsletter – NZ CameraTalk
  • News, reviews, events and some of the best photography around.
  • Achieve a Society Distinction (APSNZ, FPSNZ)
  • Your photographic competency is recognised and you will have the right to display Honours letters after your name.
  • You receive a complimentary copy of the New Zealand Camera book and the ability to submit your images for selection in this annual publication
  • Exhibit your work - Members are entitled to enter our annual National Exhibition, Regional Salons and member only online competitions.
  • Judge Training Workshops - Workshops held around the country each year – free to PSNZ members.
  • Canon Online Competition - A bi-monthly online competition with trophies for each round and for the overall winner each year.
  • Promote your Website on our Website - Receive a link from our site to your personal website.
  • Improve your Photography - Get expert advice on your images when applying for a Society Honours Award, or through participation in a Print Circle.
  • Receive our regular Blogs - Stay up to date with the latest news on events, activities and special offers.
  • Product Discounts or Savings - Have access to product discounts or savings when they are offered from our Corporate Partners and associated companies.
  • Access to the Member‘s only area - Access to online submission forms and  many resources.
  • Participate in Social Media - Join the PSNZ Facebook page for social chat with other members and keep up to date with news and happenings on the public PSNZ Facebook page.
  • Discounts to NZIPP events as a PSNZ member.