Salon Spring 2021 - topics: Open and Turning Point
Advanced Digital - Open topic
Brian Rowe, Storms passed
Brian Rowe, Storms passed
Destina Munro, Light on horizon
Bill Anderson, Seeing three ways
Kelly Munro, Moeraki sunset
Christine Jacobson, Into the never never
Brian Rowe, Hot Rocks
Bill Anderson, City lights beneath the smog
Intermediate digital - Open
Brian Wesley-Smith, Framed, Commended
Susan Cade, Painted dancer, CubaDuba
Gerhard Mayer, Steady as you go
Susan Cade, Whio, Honours
Advanced Digital - Set topic - Turning point
Paddy Flanagan, Caught-Out!
Christine Jacobson, The chase, Commended
Wayne Kelsall, Too Close, Merit
Wayne Kelsall, If only
Destina Munro, Critical Distress, Merit
Paddy Flanagan, Wait for it, Merit
Novice Digital - Set topic - Turning point
Nick Maitland, Decision tynes, Honours
Donaleen Shiell, Twist and turn, Commended
Wayne Kelsall, NZ Falcon Karearea with Prey, Honours
Wayne Kelsall, Old Pine, Commended
Christine Jacobson, Epiphany, Merit
Christine Jacobson, Rowan Ablaze
Bill Anderson, Surfer, Accepted
Bill Anderson, House; or Wisteria