Glenburn is a favourite club destination. Bring along 10 Images (max) from Glenburn. If you didn’t make it this year, feel free to bring photos from earlier trips. (Please think of others and leave time for their images)
The 2022 Wellington Region Print Battle will be hosted by the Johnsonville Camera Club and will take place at the Johnsonville Community Centre. The topics for the battle have been chosen and are as follows:- 1. Misty Day 2. You Light Up My Life 3. Viewed 100mm from the ground 4. Danger 5. Night Life […]
Paddy will talk about his experiences of photographing this year's riot outside Parliament. Telling us how he got involved and how he kept himself safe and he will show us some of his photos taken outside Parliament during the protest
Roger Hayman will be giving us a tour of the printing museum where you'll find fabulous photo opportunities as well. Entry donation $10 each. For more details, see Members hub and read more about the museum here:\