Wine, beer and cheese evening & what we did in the holidays


We're Back!!! Welcome to 2023, a New Year and a New Start. Wine & Cheese and a holiday brag. To start the year there's a show & tell of Holiday images. Bring along 5 images and in 5 mins tell us about them. (And be considerate, we all want our 5 mins).    

Geoff’s Wanderings

A Meet-up of Coffee, Cameras and Good Company exploring the Greater Wellington See this week's Presidents Email for details

Bokeh – Playing in the Garden


There's a Bokeh Salon coming up. Last week Keith gave us a few pointers and now we get to try them out in the light of the Summer Evening. Bring along your Cameras and let's have fun.

Geoff’s Wanderings

A Meet-up of Coffee, Cameras and Good Company exploring the Greater Wellington See this week's Presidents Email for details

SIG – Novice & New Member Evening


A chance for new members & novices to ask about the club and Photography. Experienced members, with a range of camera systems, will be available to answer your questions. And to hear what you want from the club.

Tram Museum

Tram museum at Queen Elizabeth Park with one tram running, the tram barn open, access to sheds and workshop. Tickets are $12 for an adult valid all day. Meet at clubrooms 10.30 am and convoy up to museum or meet there at 11 am. Bring food.  

Geoff’s Wanderings

A Meet-up of Coffee, Cameras and Good Company exploring the Greater Wellington See this week's Presidents Email for details

AGM – 2023


AGM Meeting

Critique Panel – Bokeh and More (Panelists TBC)


Bring along 3 of your Images on USB to get some feedback from a panel of experienced club members. To ensure that everyone can have a chance to have their images critiqued the set limit of only 3 images will be enforced.

Geoff’s Wanderings

A Meet-up of Coffee, Cameras and Good Company exploring the Greater Wellington See this week's Presidents Email for details

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