Special Interest Groups
There are two groups running: Group 1: Photo Elements; and Group 2: Camera skills, general photography; lightroom and any specific area of photography you'd like addressed.
There are two groups running: Group 1: Photo Elements; and Group 2: Camera skills, general photography; lightroom and any specific area of photography you'd like addressed.
Members Show and Tell - ANZAC Day, Hikoikoi Reserve and Tuesday Wanderers. Last night for entries to Salon: Topics are Miniature and Open
Post-processing software demonstraiton and Lightroom Summit.
There are two groups running: Group 1: Photo Elements; and Group 2: Camera skills, general photography; lightroom and any specific area of photography you'd like addressed.
See details and sign-up sheet in the Members Area
Eva Petro from Kapiti Coast Photographic Society will present her beautiful abstract photography.
Dave Roberts
Judged to be confirmed.