About Us

Welcome to the Porirua Photography Club (PPC).
The aim of our club is to encourage the enjoyment of photography and for over 50 years, this club has certainly done that.

Established in 1969 and formerly known as the Kapiti Camera Club (KCC), we have strived to provide stimulating meetings that cater for all levels and genres of photographer as well as create an environment that promotes an appreciation of photography as an art form.

The programme is comprehensive and covers a range of activities including guest speakers from experienced and up-and-coming photographers, workshops, critique evenings, and competitions known as salons. Salons allow photographers to have their images judged by an external judge in a positive manner, thus creating a great learning stimulus. You’ll also have an opportunity to share your work and gain feedback on your work if this is something you are looking for. In addition, there is the opportunity to attend or host Special Interest Groups with a smaller group of members outside of the standard fortnightly meetings.

Field trips are planned both locally and further afield. It would be fair to say skill level, artistic development and creativity has been improved by participating in the activities offered. And of course that all important word, enjoyment!

As a member of the PPC, you will also gain affiliated membership to the Photographic Society of New Zealand (PSNZ), where regional and national conventions can be attended and salons entered into.

The club meets on the first, third (and occasionally fifth) Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm. The doors are open after 7 pm to allow for supper and a chat up with other members.

We hold our meetings in “The Attic” of the Woolshed at the historic Gear Homestead, 1 Okowai Road, Papakōwhai, Porirua. There is plenty of parking available at the site.

You are most welcome to attend a few meetings, have a chat and enjoy the club night before making a decision on joining